Our 2022 Summer Concerts at the Gazebo series kicks off with a free outdoor performance by Los Tres de Winters on Thursday, July 7, 7:00–8:30 p.m. at the Rotary Park Gazebo, on Main Street at Railroad Avenue, in front of the Community Center in Winters.

The trio plays Norteño-style music, with José Luis Echeverria on accordion, Adolfo Valenzuela on bajo quinto (a large guitar with five courses of doubled steel strings), and Rafael Echeverria on bass. This lively music is a hybrid of Mexican and Spanish vocal traditions with waltzes and polkas brought to Mexico by Czech and German immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century. It evolved in the north of Mexico and is now a favorite style throughout the western U.S. Check them out on YouTube.
Pack a picnic, bring a blanket or lawn chairs or sit on the grass, sip a cool drink, and enjoy some fine live music. The Friends of the Library will have delicious refreshments and quality used books for sale, and all proceeds will support the Winters Library. This year’s concert series is sponsored by Waste Management and Oates Country Store.