Strengthen our library and community so everyone has access to lifelong learning.
You can help ensure that our library will continue to thrive for years to come. Donations to Winters Friends of the Library are used to purchase new books and other materials for the library collections, to support programs for audiences of all ages, and to improve library facilities.
You can donate at any time by clicking on the link above, or by sending a check, made out to Winters Friends of the Library, to
Winters Friends of the Library, PO Box 963, Winters, CA 95694
WFoL does not publish the names of donors or share donor lists with any other organizations.
Tribute gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate special people such as teachers, parents, children, grandchildren, business associates, and to mark milestones in their lives such as graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, promotions. They are also a way to mark the passing of people whose lives have made an impact on our own.
We will notify the honoree or their family of the gift without specifying the amount of the donation. Please provide contact information for the honoree or their family with your check or on the online donation form.
Planned giving is a way for donors to provide for the future of the library by making a bequest. You can make a gift from your will or living trust, or designate Winters Friends of the Library as a beneficiary of an account or policy. With legacy gifts, donors maintain full control over their money throughout their lifetime.
Will or living trust: Contact your attorney to name WFoL in your will or living trust. You can designate a gift of a specific amount or a percentage of your estate.
Pension funds, 401ks, 403bs, and IRAs; life insurance policies; savings, checking and brokerage accounts: You can designate Winters Friends of the Library as a full or partial beneficiary, to be paid after the donor’s death. These gifts avoid all income and estate taxes and reduce the size of your total taxable estate. Contact a representative of the institution that manages your account or policy, and request a “change of beneficiary form.”

Support library services, resources, literacy programs, and lifelong learning in our community.
“I donate to provide the very best library our whole community can utilize. I think other people should donate so they can be personally involved in the growth of our Winters Library. Funds raised by Winters Friends of the Library to support the library directly benefit The WHS students who regularly use our facilities since it is connected physically to their campus.”
Linn Myer