We’ve been missing getting together at the library and at our events sharing stories and our love for all things library, literacy, lifelong learning, and community.
We’ve been trying to think of more ways that we can connect with each other from afar. One of our Board members, Revalee Hemken, pointed out the wonderful model of Tiny Love Stories published by the New York Times. Here is one example https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/26/style/tiny-modern-love-stories-stay-with-me-until-morning.html
What we would love to know is what tiny love story do you have to tell about a Winters Friends of the Library program or experience?
Was it receiving a books for babies box?
Meeting an amazing author or speaker?
Making a friend while volunteering?
Watching your child perform at a Family Holiday Festival or Winters Shakespeare Workshop?
Finding a group to belong to when you moved to town?
Did it start with Story time – as an attendee or reader?
Is it about the library staff or resources you can access?
We really want to know!
Share your story of 100 words or less, and photo if you have one. Just click the link to the form below to get started. We will share the love and publish the stories on February 14 to celebrate Valentine’s Day together, online.
Link to Tiny Library Love Stories form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe56LJ1jleI6FYUfm2g1Nw6KYX-IaHIaamEYMOQwN2oBPhfsg/viewform?usp=sf_link