The Winters Friends of the Library (WFoL) will be holding their annual fruit tree sale on Saturday, March 7 at the corner of Railroad and Edwards from 8:30 am-noon. Current members of WFoL will be able to purchase trees beginning at 8:30, non-members will be able to purchase trees at 9:00 am.

The Yolo County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions, Winters Aggregate will be donating potting soil, Sierra Gold Nursery will be donating the trees, and Mariani Nut Company is allowing the use of their parking facility. The fruit tree sale is a fundraising event and the monies directly benefit the Winters Community Library and their programs.

LIMIT 10 TREES PER CUSTOMER FOR EACH PURCHASE (You may re-enter the sale area.)
Tree Varieties for 2020
- Buckeye Gala on Geneva 41: Begins coloring a month earlierand develops color will through summer heat. Fruit finishes with bright 90-100% full red color.
- Granny Smith on Geneva 65: Very large, round to slightly conical green fruit. Excellent tart flavor. Good all-purpose apple with excellent storage life, bruise resistant. Tree is annual bearer, strong, vigorous, upright and spreading. Harvest late Sept. to early Oct.
- Rootstock-Geneva 41: A newer release from Cornell University and Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. Similar to M9 with equal productivity; branching tends to be naturally flatter and selection is very winter hardy.
- Rootstock-Geneva 969: a semi dwarfing rootstock that is resistant to fire blight, woolly apple aphid, and crown rot. It has good cold hardiness and produces few suckers or burr knots.
- Black Tartarian (Mid-season): Very large, heart shaped fruits vary from bright purplish-black to red skin with sweet, red rich juicy flesh. This remarkably vigorous tree is an erect grower and immense bearer. Mainly used as a pollinizer for most varieties. Excellent for home orchard
- Brooks (Early): Large, uniform oblate dark red fruit. Flesh is firm and crisp with variable shades of red and pink. The stone is nearly free. Flavor is superior to Early Burlat and is sweet, rich, well-balanced, and exceptional for early season maturity.
- Coral Champagne (Early): Large, firm fruit with a rich glossy red wine finish. Ripens 7 to 10 days before Bing. Trees are very precocious and fruit has low susceptibility to rain cracking. Flavor is truly exceptional.
- Lapins on Colt: Excellent pollinizer. Large, highly split resistant, self-fertile cherry. Fruit is dark red, with lighter red flesh. Harvests two weeks after Bing. Cold hardy.
- Rainier on Colt (Mid-season): Large, yellow fruit with a red blush similar to Royal Ann. Firm clear to light yellow flesh. Fine-textured and distinct flavor. Vigorous, upright spreading tree. Early bearing. Very productive. Ripens mid-season.
- Rootstock -Colt: Good anchorage and vigor. Heavier soils okay. Clay loam. Very vigorous, smaller than Mazzard. Not cold hardy.
- Rootstock -Krymsk 86: Peach/plum hybrid. Tree size similar to Lovell. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and high PH tolerance. Precocious. Increases fruit size and yield with strong root system. Performs well on replant sites.
- Contendor: A high quality, freestone variety ripening in the Loring season. Fruit is very firm, large, with excellent color. The trees are hardy and very productive. Ripens late summer.
- Glohaven: Large nearly round, attractive yellow freestone fruit. Very tough, mostly red skin is practically fuzzless with a deep yellow ground color. Firm yellow flesh is resistant to browning. Superior canning and freezing qualities. Tree is vigorous and productive. Excellent quality for fresh market and commercial processing. Keeps and ships very well.
- O’Henry: Popular fresh market variety. Large size fruit that is a freestone, round to irregular shape. Skin color is 75% to 100% red blush. Flesh is yellow, streaked with red, superb flavor. It is very firm, stores well and is an excellent shipping peach. Because of the firmness it can be picked just twice. Strong, vigorous, heavy-bearing, self-fruitful tree.
- Suncrest: Large, round freestone, attractive that colors to about 80% bright red blush over yellow background. Flesh is yellow and exceptionally firm with good texture and flavor. Vigorous, self-fruitful, productive tree has a good hardiness record.
- Rootstock -Krymsk 86: Peach/plum hybrid. Tree size similar to Lovell. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and high PH tolerance. Precocious. Increases fruit size and yield with strong root system. Performs well on replant sites.
- Bartlett on OHXF-87: Partially self-fruitful. Leading pear for canning and fresh market sales. Large, golden yellow fruit with a slight blush. Smooth, juicy, tender white flesh.
- D’Anjou on OHXF-87: Requires a pollinizer. A leading variety of winter pear. Medium to large fruit size, round with a short neck. Yellow to russetted yellow. Mild, fine-textured, melting white flesh with a delicate aroma. Large tree is vigorous, hardy and very productive.
- Rootstock -OHXF-87: Semi-vigorous. Considered a semi-dwarf tree. Tolerant to blight and decline.
- Elephant Heart: Very Large. Blood red Skin. Red flesh, excellent flavor-one of the best. Freestone. Fast growing. Needs a pollinizer such as Santa Rosa. Requires 650 hours of chilling below 45 F. Ripens: August into September. Ripens approximately 8/10.
- Santa Rosa: Superior quality flesh makes Santa Rosa the most widely grown plum. Purple-red skin surrounds rich, tart, fragrant, yellow flesh. Prolific, vigorous, self-fertile. Low chill.
- Rootstock -Krymsk 86: Peach/plum hybrid. Tree size similar to Lovell. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and high PH tolerance. Precocious. Increases fruit size and yield with strong root system. Performs well on replant sites.
- French: Premium variety for consumer packs. The fruit is medium-sized, egg-shaped. The skin is dark red to purplish; the flesh is sweet flavored, smooth, non-porous and golden yellow. The pit is small, smooth, flat, and long-oval. Harvest maturity is mid-season.
- Rootstock -Krymsk 86: Peach/plum hybrid. Tree size similar to Lovell. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and high PH tolerance. Precocious. Increases fruit size and yield with strong root system. Performs well on replant sites.
- Nonpareil: The premier variety in California. It blooms approximately the 3rd week in February; harvests at the end of August. Kernel is medium-large size with excellent quality and flavor, and flat which is in high demand by the trade. It has become the basis of the almond industry. Shell is paper thin, often poorly sealed. Tree is large and harvest easily.
- Aldrich: Blooms slightly ahead of Nonpareil; harvests 14 days after Nonpareil, excellent pollinizer or Nonpareil. Tree has an upright and vertical growth habit. Medium hard shell. Well sealed nuts.
- Rootstock -Krymsk 86: Peach/plum hybrid. Tree size similar to Lovell. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and high PH tolerance. Precocious. Increases fruit size and yield with strong root system. Performs well on replant sites.