The basket includes:
Anytime Fitness: One Month Membership to club
Berryessa Gap: Bottle of Bellringer
Eagle Drug: Dog Accessories Pack
Preserve Public House: Jar Jalapeno Jelly
Winters Health Care: Two tickets to Annual Dinner on the Bridge event
Preserve Public House: Jar Jalapeno Jelly
Winters Friends of the Library: Gift Membership for 2018 and Tote Bag
Books from two local authors, Lisa Nalbone and Jan Schubert.
How do you win?
Each $25 donation to WFoL within the 24 hour period receives a virtual chance to win one of two baskets. If you donate $25 – you get one virtual raffle ticket. If you donate $100 – you have 4 chances to win. If you give $1000 – well, you can do the math!