Have you been to look at the books for sale on our Amazon bookstore recently?
We have a wide selection of more than 200 books. What are your interests? Art, cooking, how-to, coffee table, research, guides….. Browse the many books and you’re sure to find something intriguing and unique.

How do we get these books?
Our books are selected from the book donations we receive. Because our book donations vary enormously, you never know what treasures you will find.
Our book sale committee volunteers sort the books and assess value, condition, rarity, or suitability for adding to library collections. Books that have the right combination of value and interest are added to our online amazon bookstore.
Our bookseller name at amazon is wintersfriends and we have a 4.9 star rating. Elliott Landes, a long time WFoL member and volunteer has handled a lot of the book shipping. Pretty great rating for a small group of volunteers.
WFoL volunteer Richard Cowen started our amazon bookstore. Richard began volunteering with the book sale committee back when we only had shelves in the hallway of the old library building. When he noted the value of many of the books, and that bookshop owners were buying up the $1 and $2 bargains to resell for profit, he thought we should try to capture that extra revenue to support our library and WFoL programs.
And, after much hard work and problem solving, our winterfriends online bookstore launched.
If you haven’t visited yet, please hop over to browse and spread the word. You can find a great read and support our library at the same time.
Of course, whenever the library is open you can visit our Best Little Bookstore in Winters, the Ida Wallace room in the foyer of the Winters Community Library.
If you would like more information or would like to volunteer to help, send us an email at volunteer@wfol.org.
If you have high quality books to donate, they can be dropped off during library hours or through the donation bookdrop at any time.