Thank you to our hosts and great library supporters Berryessa Gap Vineyards who hosted our Big Day of Giving Donation and Celebration event at their Tasting Room at 15 Main Street in downtown Winters. We appreciate this second year of wonderful support for our library and our community. We hope you will stop by to support our supporters. You will often find good music and company to go with the wine.
The event started at 5pm with the leaderboard showing Winters Friends of the Library with donations at just about $18,000. Before the event ended at 8:30 pm, we had surpassed our goal of $25,000 and were still climbing as we started to say goodbye and clean up.
Our Big Day of Giving success is a testament to the power of teamwork, collaboration, and community. Thank you.
The delightful Berryessa Gap event also relied on cooperation. Many thanks are adue to the wonderful ambience of the tasting room provided by Corrin Armstrong, the beautiful music played Marcel Berteaux on keyboard, and the delicious food made and donated by Natasha Cardenas and her mom Nida. Crystal Foster and Jesse Loren, another mother and daughter team, took care of tasting as donors and donations kept pouring in. Volunteer Denise was ready and waiting with her iPad to assist with donations, thank you. Thanks also to Marcia, Martha, Sally and Bianca, our volunteer team at the back of the tasting room working on real time thank-yous, social media, and newsletters to our supporters. Thanks again to the owners and staff of Berryessa Gap Vineyards. The event was coordinated by Natasha Cardenas and Lisa Nalbone.
Here are few of the photos to give you a taste of the good times at the tasting room. Doing good does make you feel good!