Lot’s of activities are planned at the library on May 5th, for The Big Day of Giving. The Winters Community Library is located at 708 Railroad Avenue in Winters.
You can donate while at the library, all throughout the day (8am – 8pm) Support will be available if you need help accessing the donation website.
From 10am til noon Viual Story Telling with Jan Schubert will take place. This is geared for children ages 2 to 6. Jan tells stories with puppets and poetry and song. There will also be crafts and treats.
From 3:00 til 5:30 Tales with Tails will occur. This is where you’ll have an opportunity to read to your favorite 4 legged friends.
And then from 6:00 til 7:30 Cara Patten will be at the library doing Nature Drama. Children and adults of all ages should enjoy this. Christina Dias will do her wonderful story time for preschoolers. And then we’ll also have face painting and snacks. Fun for everyone. Don’t miss out!
If you’re interested in volunteering, or if you want more information, please call Linda Glick at 530-504-1511.