In 1989, the community of Winters joined together to finance, design, and build the beloved Wooden Park. This playground has been a place of discovery, recreation, and make-believe for two generations. Despite living past its anticipated life span of 25 years, the current play structure can no longer be patched up—it is in need of a full rebuild to make it safe and keep it as a destination in the heart of our community.
Last fall, of team of community members formed Project Playground. Their mission is to rebuild the park while maintaining as much of the character and magic of the original park as possible. Just like in 1989, the new park will be a community effort, from raising the funds to hammering the nails.
Continuing in the spirit that created the park almost 30 years ago, Winters Friends of the Library is proud to be partnering with Project Playground to rebuild the stage portion of the new park. More than just a great place to play, the Wooden Park has been home to the WFoL sponsored, Winters Shakespeare Workshop, a summer theater program for local teens. Under the stars, framed by a canopy of leaves, the wooden park stage has provided a magical and enchanting venue for the Shakespeare productions over the past 19 years.
Winters Friends of the Library want the magic to continue.
For our role in this community effort, WFoL will be raising funds for the stage portion of the rebuild during our annual fundraising event, Big Day of Giving. Our goal is to raise at least $30,000 to cover the cost of building a new stage. Supporting the rebuild of the stage, ensures that our program has a home, and more young people get to participate in this important program.
To learn more about the Big Day of Giving, and how you can donate click here.
To find out how you can get involved with Project Playground click here.
To find out more and enroll in this season’s Winters Shakespeare Workshop click here.