Biologist and natural science illustrator Robin Lee Carlson will be the speaker at the Winters Friends of the Library annual gathering on Monday, November 7 at 6:00 p.m. at the Winters Community Library.
When Stebbins Cold Canyon burned in 2015, many Winters residents who love to hike in the nearby nature preserve were devastated. Robin wanted to understand the legacy of the fire. Her new book, The Cold Canyon Fire Journals: Green Shoots and Silver Linings in the Ashes, reveals that beneath the charred landscape and beyond our grief lies another story—how wildlife survives and thrives after wildfire.

Robin has a Master’s in evolutionary biology and spent sixteen years on stream habitat restoration projects for salmon and steelhead. She has a particular interest in how landscapes and ecological communities change over time. She will talk about how her book began with field sketching and developed into an exploration of art, ecology, and fire in the Western U.S.
Everyone is invited to the gathering on Monday, November 7 at the Winters Community Library. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. with refreshments and socializing, followed at 6:45 p.m. by a brief business meeting, election of officers for 2023, and an introduction and welcome for Melinda Cervantes, the new interim County Librarian for Yolo County. Robin’s talk will begin at 7:00 p.m., with time afterwards for book signing. The Avid Reader in Davis will be bringing copies of her new book for sale.
There is no charge for the event, but donations to support the library are always welcome. Anyone who joins the Friends of the Library or renews their membership for 2023 at the event will be entered in a drawing for some nice prizes. We hope you can join us!