Please join us for our Winters Friends of the Library Annual Membership gathering from 5:30 to 8 pm on Monday, November 2nd. This fun and informative evening is held to elect our 2021 WFoL Board Officers and also enjoy a talk from a guest speaker. This year we will hear from author Tamsen Schultz. As with most other meetings in 2020 the Winters Friends of the Library Annual meeting will be a virtual meeting held on Zoom.
Beginning at 5:30 pm we will have a shortened monthly business meeting. There will be the normal monthly business of reviewing of minutes and the treasurer report. Then there will be a review of the year by current president Rebecca Fridae and current vice president Margaret Bailey.
Next we will vote for slate of new WFoL Board Officers for 2021.
Slate of Officers for 2021
- President- Rebecca Fridae
- Vice President Margaret Bailey
- Recording Secretary Diane Cary
- Treasurer Sally Brown
- Past President Linda Glick
- Assistant Treasurer Linda Springer
- Corresponding Sec Sonya Godinez
- Volunteer Coordinator Carol Scianna
- Communications Chair Ameryn Briggs
- Membership Chair Joan Brenchly
- Member at Large Revalee Hemken
Guest Speaker Tamsen Schultz
Following the brief meeting and election, the gathering will continue with our guest speaker, local author Tamsen Schultz.

Photo credit Rosemary Hemenway
Tamsen Schultz is the author of twelve romantic suspense novels, comprising two different series:, the Windsor Series, which is set in a small town in Upstate New York, and the Tildas Island Series, which is set on a fictional, fifth, US Virgin Island. She’s a three-time finalist in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association contest (prior to publishing), an RWA Daphne Du Maurier Excellence in Mystery finalist for her fourth book, What Echoes Render, and the winner of the American Fiction Award for best mystery, for her seventh book, A Darkness Black. In addition to being a writer, she has a background in the field of international conflict resolution, has co-founded a non-profit, and currently works in corporate America. Like most lawyers, she spends a disproportionate amount of time thinking (and writing) about what it might be like to do something else. In short, she pretty much reads and writes for most of her waking hours.

If you are interested in joining the Zoom meeting, please email Rebecca Fridae at to be included on the invitation.