Hi, my name is Lisa and I love libraries, learning, and doing good to feel good. Yes, I’m an annoyingly enthusiastic WFoL Volunteer and will be a member for life. I can’t help myself, I keep coming back for more.
Little did I know when I moved to town in 1987, and stumbled into a Friends of the Library book sale on our first visit to the library, that it would spark a fabulous journey of learning and friendship.
My hubby and I love to read and we didn’t have a budget for buying books. The library was our frugal, fun and weekly date. When we saw those nice people selling awesome books for 25 cents, we picked out a stack of books we could take on our backpacking trip without worrying about due dates or spills.
Then we noticed it looked like they could use a little help moving those heavy boxes of books. We were a bit younger and steadier on our feet back then, so we pitched right in. We chatted about who they were, why they were selling the books, and introduced ourselves. They invited us to an ice cream social.
We made new friends.
We were having fun without breaking the budget. We were helping the library and finding a place in our new community. And so it began.
Well, to tell you the truth, the reason the library was one of our first stops after we moved was because my love affair with libraries began long before our move to Winters.
In fact, libraries and volunteering have been so important to me and my family I have written about it numerous times, on my website and in my books.
I’m sure the potent combination of learning from volunteering and access to libraries changed my direction in life. Sometimes I feel like it saved my life.
It was my library friends who dropped their work at a moment’s notice to get me to the hospital when the doctor said, “No, you can’t wait for your husband to get you. I’ve already called him and told him to leave Sacramento and meet you here.”
And more library friends who brought meals for the next month when I was too weak to lift a cup of tea.
Making friends with people who care about community, literacy, and learning is a winning combination. And through the Friends, I’ve gotten to know, learn from, and collaborate with local authors, businesses, and other organizations.

Working and playing with other volunteers to dream big and create new opportunities while learning new things is my kind of rush. It’s the kind of fun that keeps me coming back for more.
And I love to share the wealth.
If you want in, I have two big projects on the decks that could use your skills and energy!
For starters there is working on this website ( talk about a learning challenge!) and preparing for our next Big Day of Giving campaign.
Let me know if you want to play! Email me at lisa@wfol.org
If those don’t sound like your cup of tea, there are many other ways to get involved, just check out our Volunteer page. Email volunteer@wfol.org if you would like to help in other areas.
I know I’m sentimental, and corny, and committed. But I truly believe than when you volunteer you get more than you give, and that the library is good for all of us. Thanks for reading my library and volunteering story. I’d love to hear yours.
Please help support our library and literacy work in Winters. Consider becoming a member, volunteering, or making a donation. See the buttons below.
If you want more details on my stories, visit my website www.LisaNalbone.com