Saturday, March 1, 2025
9:00 am until sold out
Members-only early entry 8:30 am—Join at the door!
Fruit trees $20 — Citrus $30 — Berries $10
Limit 10 per person—Come early for best selection
The Winters Friends of the Library annual Fruit Tree Sale is held on the first Saturday in March at the parking lot at 517 Railroad Avenue (corner of Edwards Street). The trees for sale this year will include apple, apricot, cherry, mandarin, nectarine, olive, orange, peach, plum, and pluot, along with blueberries and blackberries—approximately 1,000 plants in total. Trees are generously donated by Sierra Gold Nursery of Yuba City, CA.
The sale starts at 9 a.m. (rain or shine) and lasts until all the trees are sold. Come early for the best selection. Members of WFoL can get in at 8:30 a.m. Not a member yet? Join at the gate!
Master Gardeners of Yolo County will be at the sale providing advice on tree selection, pruning, and planting tips.

The Fruit Tree Sale is one of WFoL’s biggest fundraisers, last year selling over 750 trees and raising over $10,000. All proceeds are used to support and enhance the services at the Winters Community Library, including books and other materials, special programs, computers, and upgrades to the library.
After more than 20 years of annual WFOL fruit tree sales, there are more than 10,000 trees in backyard orchards in Winters, and surrounding areas in Yolo, Solano counties producing a bounty of fresh home-grown fruits and nuts.