What is Big Day of Giving?
Big Day of Giving (BDOG or BigDOG) is a 24-hour online giving challenge to support the work of nonprofits that make our communities stronger.
When is Big Day of Giving?
Big Day of Giving is held on the first Thursday in May.
Why is this day of fundraising so important?
This is our main fundraising event for the year. Winters Friends of the Library (WFoL) raises critical dollars in this 24-hour period to help our library meet community needs, and builds awareness and support for our library, literacy, and community programs.
How will the funds be used?
Your donation will
- Build our library collection—more books on shelves, e-books, audiobooks, and other online resources.
- Build our library facilities—plans are underway to improve the circulation desk and computer island.
- Build our library programs—storytime, ESL classes, summer reading programs, discovery kits, technology support, and more.
- Build our community—WFoL outreach programs like Books for Babies, little free libraries, summer concerts, Winters Shakespeare Workshop, family holiday festival, author talks, and more.
WFoL members: Please consider making a contribution on Big Day of Giving in addition to your annual membership gift. This is a separate fundraising effort and will fund library improvements above and beyond our usual level of support. Thank you!
How can you give?
Give Matching Funds In Advance
Matching funds are an exciting way to increase the impact of your donation, to encourage others to donate, and promote WFoL’s mission. Matching Donations and Grants are given as checks in advance and used to encourage donations on Big Day of Giving. If you would like to to contribute matching funds, please contact reply@wfol.org.
Early Donating
Can’t wait to donate? You don’t have to wait until the Big Day to show your support. Early donating begins in late April.
Donate on the big day
- Starting at midnight, donate online at bigdayofgiving.org/wfol
- Donate in person at the library
- Join us at the Berryessa Gap tasting room that evening to watch the BDOG scoreboard and celebrate our generous donors!
Contact us for more information. Email reply@wfol.org
Refer to the main website at www.bigdayofgiving.org for general questions about how Big Day of Giving works.
Sign up here for the WFoL email newsletter.
Thank you for supporting literacy and lifelong learning in our community!