Generous donations of gently used books and dedicated volunteers power our programs for getting books into the hands and homes of Winters community members. Proceeds from book sales help fund our literacy programs.
Book Sales

WFoL provides used books for sale at the library during regular library hours, at special book sales, and at community events with Mrs. Gildart’s Bookcart.
Donate Books

Tidy up your home and promote literacy in Winters. The books your kids have outgrown are needed now! Marie Kondo says, “Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to spark the joy of reading in our young neighbors.” No, she didn’t really say that, but it is true nonetheless.
We thank all of the people who have donated books so generously over the years!
Please schedule large book donations ahead of time.
- To schedule an appointment, please contact
- Do not leave boxes of books outside the building.
- We cannot accept books that are soiled or damaged.
- We cannot accept textbooks or encyclopedia sets.
- We are no longer accepting DVDs, CDs, or magazines.
Click to download a receipt for your donation.
Take a Book, Leave a Book

WFoL Little Free Libraries are another way we help share books with our community.