Yolo County Library will be hosting a free virtual screening and discussion of the film
Not If, But When: Wildfire Solutions.
This 40-minute documentary focuses on solutions to the current wildfire situation in California.
Learn about local projects including: a rural biomass plant, the historic use
of controlled burns, and forest management development techniques.
The film gives viewers a chance to see solutions about what can be done from a place of optimism.
A discussion will follow with the film director, Radu Sava and co-director, Rebekah Hood-Sava.

Monday October 4, 2021
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Or use the following Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode
Zoom Meeting ID: 717 8716 7061
Passcode: 8niYbT
Sponsored by the Friends of the Davis Library.
No reservations required.
Questions? Email joan.tuss@yolocounty.org<mailto:joan.tuss@yolocounty.org