Despite the hardship that our community has endured in 2020, WFoL continued to support library services and promote literacy and lifelong learning for our town. Please take a look at the highlights from this year and consider joining or renewing your membership today to continue our programs in 2021
Thanks to our 2020 Board who served in a time demanding so many changes.
Elected Officers 2020:
- President: Rebecca Fridae
- Vice President: Margaret David Bailey
- Past President: Sally Brown
- Recording Secretary: Diane Cary
- Treasurer: Jeff Ten Pas
Appointed Officers: Approved Jan. 6: 2020:
Corresponding Secretary: Sonya Godinez
Assistant Treasurer: Linda Springer
Communications Chair: Ameryn Briggs
Membership Chair: Joan Brenchley
Volunteer Coordinator: Carol Scianna
Member at Large: Revalee Hemken
In Memory
We recognize many families and communities endured the loss of family and friends this year. We’d like to honor a few of our longtime dedicated volunteers who will be missed.

Richard Cowan, January 2020: Keeper of Books
Richard managed the Winters Community Library book sale room and Amazon book sales for many years. Richard loved reading, of all things, Regency romances!
Tom Neely, July 2020: Always Lending a Hand
Tom was a WFoL Board member for many years and was instrumental in
developing WFoL’s by-laws and registration as a non-profit organization with the State. He chaired the annual Fruit Tree Sale and Holiday Festival for many years and was a prominent supporter of the Winters Shakespeare Workshop. Tom is survived by his wife, Charlotte Kimball, who was also a WFoL member, and who has recently relocated to Idaho with her daughter. The couple will be missed; they were an important part of the WFoL and Winters communities.
2020 Activity, Program, Funding Review
WFoL Planning Retreat, January 11: WFoL Board gathers to plan events and programs for the next calendar year.
WFoL Sponsored/Hosted Programs/Events:
Training: Feb. 4, 2020: What If? Inclusion and Equity Conference and Training, sponsored by the Impact Foundry and attended by Carol Scianna and Margaret Bailey.
Feb. 28: Ever Popular Quiz Show returned with 5 teams competing and the winning team was: THE NAMBIAN-NO-IT-ALLS! For a prize of $200.
March 7: Annual Fruit Tree Sale netted approximately $5775. Many thanks to our long-time sponsor Sierra Gold Nurseries and their donation of fruit and nut trees; and the continued support of John and Karla Knabke Family. We would not be successful without their assistance.
May 7: Big Day of Giving (BDOG): WFoL chose not to actively fundraise, nevertheless the event netted approx. $11k in donations and a $3k anonymous matching gift. All Board members donated to BDOG.

July 18: Winters Shakespeare Workshop: Mary Lou Linville Chair: developed virtual concept to continue to produce the Workshop. Andrew Fridae was the Director and “A Comedy, With Errors” was the
production. The live online performance took place on Saturday, July 18 and an edited version was produced one week later. The event can be viewed on YouTube at
November 14, 0900-2 pm, Book Sale at the community Library. Members in from 0900 to 10, non-members from 10 -2 pm.

COVID-19 Changes
Beginning in April, WFoL, like so many other organizations moved their in-person meetings to a ZOOM platform. Unfortunately, the following events were cancelled:
April’s Annual Youth Day: We all missed not being in the parade in our over-the-top costumes, and dancing to the Best Band which would have been directed by Eric Jepsen in 2020.
The other cancelled events/programs included:
- Summer Concert Series
- Community Writes
- Author Talks
- December’s Family Holiday Festival.
We miss these community events and look forward to resuming them in 2021.
Program FUNDING Support in 2020:
WFoL provided funding to support the following events and activities:
January 29: $250 to Waggoner School to purchase books from visiting children’s book author, Erin Dealey, to give to students who were unable to afford to purchase a book.
Jan-Dec. 2020-Yolo County Library’s request: $41,648 Approved. Provided $10k for programs; $10k for downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks (OverDrive), and $9770 for ESL Class for Caregivers. In 2020, 39 parents and grandparents registered to participate.
Library Learning Garden

Stephanie Meyers informed WFoL of the Master Gardener’s interest in expanding the perimeter of the Learning Garden to include the area east of the existing fence. In June, the proposal was accepted and the Master Gardeners began the work to relocate the existing fence, and expand the garden itself.
WFoL Partnerships
WFoL is a registered member of Benevity, an intermediary service for workplaces that will match their employee’s charitable donations.
Communications Team: Monday morning Weekly Newsletter. Shout out to Ameryn Briggs, Cassie Carter, and Lisa Nalbone for this tremendous contribution in regularly connecting WFoL with our community.

Little Free Libraries: Woody Fridae and Bruce Bailey renovated seven Little Free Libraries (LFL), rebuilding, repairing, painting and re-installing them around town. Elliot Landes created a map of our LFL and the Communications Team posted it to our WEB site and made a flyer to post at each LFL.
Online Storytime: Toni Mendieta’s online Storytime program had over 1000 views the week of April 4. Check-out our Instagram IGTV to find the collection of Toni’s storytime recordings.
Funding Commitments: In April WFoL learned the City’s proposed budget did not include $25k obligation to jointly fund the Winters Community Library. WFoL President and Vice President met with then City Manager, John Donlevy to discuss the issue. In June, WFoL President and County Librarian met again with the City Manager. In July the City did meet its obligation for $25k, and the School District continued with their support as well.
Curbside book checkout and services opened on June 15 and in July services were expanded.
Cassie Carter spearheaded the WFoL themed Scarecrows to be located at each of our Little Free Libraries.