A new slate of officers for the 2018 year was elected at the Winters Friends of the Library Annual Gathering in November. Since that time, elected board president, Bianca Cox, needed to step down as she and her family pursue new life adventures.
The WFoL Board and Committee Chairs evaluated options for replacing her position that would best serve the organization, our community, and members new to the organization who had been elected to the board.
We are very excited to announce the following executive officers:
¨ President
¨ Vice President Crystal Apilado
¨ Past President Linda Glick
¨ Recording Secretary Sonya Godinez
¨ Treasurer
Sally Brown, new president and longtime member who has held various board positions over the years, says,
“Several years ago, WFoL went through a strategic planning process. One outcome of that process was to increase our board from 7 to 11 voting members. We also revised the board roles to spread the responsibilities of the president, treasurer and secretary to the vice president, assistant treasurer and corresponding secretary. I was the chair of the strategic planning process at that time of those changes. Now in my role as President, my goal is to ensure that these changes become fully operational.”
Sally is also committed to making it easier to welcome new people into the organization, and to use the “fun-o-meter” to ensure we keep having fun while we serve our community. Many people know Sally best as the Winters Friends of the Library (WFoL) Youth Day Parade coordinator, an event that incorporates fun and community building as we promote our mission.
Approval for the following slate nominated board positions is on the agenda for the February 5 board meeting.
Corresponding Secretary – Linn Myer
Assistant Treasurer – Linda Springer
Fundraising Chair – Jeff TenPas
Communications Chair – Lisa Nalbone
Membership Chair – Diane Cary
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator – Petra Collins
The full board along with committee chairs held a retreat on Saturday, January 28 to celebrate our successes in 2017, evaluate existing programs and events, entertain new ideas, and discuss plans for the coming year. It was an uplifting gathering. From members who’ve been working on library support and advocacy for more than 30 years, to brand new members to the organization, the board has new energy matched with experience to bring promise to this year’s WFOL success.
We welcome new members and volunteers who would like to bring their skills and energy to strengthen the Winters Friends of the Library as we carry out our mission to serve our community.
Board Meetings are open to the public and the next one will be at 7 pm on Monday, February 5 at the Margaret Parsons Community Room at the Winters Community Library.