Here is the list for the WFoL 2016 Tree Sale to be held on March 5.
Bare root fruit trees are generously donated by Sierra Gold Nurseries of Yuba City.
Potted citrus are generously donated by Four Winds Growers of Winters.
Limit 10 bare root and 2 citrus trees per customer for each purchase (you may return for additional trees)
PADRE ON NEMAGUARD: Blooms 5 days after Nonpareil; harvests 26 days after Nonpareil. A productive variety and does well on Marianna plum rootstock. It has a medium-small kernel and a hard shell with a good seal. Tree is medium size and upright. A good producer with potential for high yields.
TEXAS MISSION ON NEMAGUARD: Blooms 6 days after Nonpareil; harvests 28 days after Nonpareil. The kernel is medium-small and plump. It is very well sealed, has a hard shell and low worm damage. Tree is large, upright and easy to train.
NEMAGUARD: Nematode resistant. Good anchorage & excellent vigor. Prefers well drained, sandy loam soil. Very sensitive to wet feet or heavy soils. Very little suckering.
GALA on M9 PAJAM-2: Gala apples are vertically striped or mottled, overall orange in colour. Gala apples are sweet, fine textured, and aromatic, and can be added to salads or cooked, and are especially suitable for creating sauces.
HONEYCRISP ON BUD 118: Skin is two-thirds mottled red over a yellow background.The flesh is cream-colored with exceptionally crisp and juicy texture, sub-acid flavor and mild aroma. A high-quality apple which keeps well for 5-6 months in common storage. Tree is vigorous and hardy. Self-fertile.
M-9/PAJAM2®: Trees grown on M-9 Pajam 2® will be similar to trees on EMLA 9 but with better rooting. This rootstock will produce a tree about 35% of standard in most cases
BUD 118: (Budagovsky 118) Similar in size to EMLA 106 and 111 or approx. 95% of seedling. Very winter hardy and adaptable to a wide range of soils. Resistant to collar rot. Reported to be as precocious as EMLA 106 and is recommended for production in cold climates.
CHERRIES – in order of ripening
BROOKS ON MAZZARD: Early. Large, uniform oblate dark red fruit. Flesh is firm and crisp with variable shades of red and pink. The stone is nearly free. Flavor is superior to Early Burlat and is sweet, rich, well-balanced, and exceptional for early season maturity. Requires a pollenizer.
BING ON GISELA 12: Mid-season. Fruit is very large, dark mahogany to black, attractive; one of the finest commercial sweet cherries. One of the best shipping and fresh market varieties as well as commercial canning. Flesh very solid, reddish-purple, flavor of the highest quality, firm and juicy. Requires a pollenizer.
SKEENA ON KRYMSK: A large round firm cherry with dark red to black skin. It ripens about 14 days after Van. The fruit is juicy, sweet, and has good- eating qualities. It appears to have good tolerance to rain induced cracking. Self-fertile.
SWEETHEART ON MAZZARD: Late. Large, bright red fruit that matures 4 weeks after Bing. It is a self-fertile variety that bears annually. It requires pruning to prevent size problems. Self-fertile.
GISELA12: A precocious, semi-dwarf rootstock that produces a tree roughly 100% of Mazzard. Very precocious and productive. It has good virus resistance and no suckering problems. Well anchored, but may require support
KRYMSK 5: Reduces tree size by 20% to 30% compared to those grown on Mazzard. Non-suckering trees. The rootstock is precocious and compatible with all cherries. Sensitive to Prunus ringspot & Prunus dwarf virus.
MAZZARD: Excellent anchorage. Many shallow roots may become injured by deep cultivation and drought. Sandy loam to loam. More tolerant of heavy soils. Makes a very large tree. Cold hardy. Has root suckers.
FANTASIA ON LOVELL CERTIFIED: Large freestone fruit with smooth skin; 70% bright red overlaid on brilliant yellow. Firm, smooth textured, yellow flesh of excellent quality. Self-fertile.
INDEPENDENCE ON LOVELL CERTIFIED: Large, oval fruit is almost completely dark red over a yellow background. Firm, yellow, freestone flesh. Rich, tangy-sweet flavor; one of the best. Productive, moderately vigorous tree. Ripens in early July in central California. Requires 700 hours of chilling.Trees and blossom buds are fairly hardy to winter cold. Ripens approximately 7/10. Self-fertile.
ROOTSTOCK DESCRIPTION: LOVELL: Good anchorage & vigor. Prefers well drained loam soil. Sensitive to wet feet or heavy soils. Very little suckering.
PEACHES – Freestone
RED GLOBE ON LOVELL CERTIFIED: A large, round freestone. Skin is highly blushed red over golden yellow background. Firm, yellow flesh has excellent flavor. Complete absense of red in the flesh makes it an outstanding canning peach. Bruise resistant, good shipper. Good quality. Trees are vigorous and productive.
GLOWINGSTAR ON LOVELL CERTIFIED: A medium-large, attractive, 60-70% orange scarlet red over a greenish-yellow groundcolor, yellow-fleshed, freestone peach ripening August 15-18, approximately 21 days after Redhaven. The flesh is firm with good flavor. The tree is vigorous, spreading, and productive, with low susceptibility to bacterial spot.
BLUSHINGSTAR ON LOVELL: A late-season, easy-care peach. This variety provides prolific harvests of beautiful fruit that keeps well. Firm white flesh has a unique, sweet flavor and resists browning when sliced. A heavy bearers. Disease-resistant to bacterial spot. Ripens in mid August. Self-pollinating.
PEACH ROOTSTOCK DESCRIPTION: LOVELL: Good anchorage & vigor. Prefers well drained loam soil. Sensitive to wet feet or heavy soils. Very little suckering.
Sullivan #4 ON LOVELL: Fruit is medium-sized, yellow. An extra-late canning peach. Tree is medium-sized and features uniform ripening.
MARIPOSA ON LOVELL: Large plums with nearly freestone red flesh and a small pit. Glossy maroon over green skin. Sweet, juicy, firm and delicious with pleasantly tart skin. Low chill hours, good choice for milder climates. Also known as Improved Satsuma. Pollinated by Santa Rosa.
Lovell:Good anchorage and vigor. Prefers well drained loam soil. Sensitive to wet feet or heavy soils. Very little suckering.
CHANDLER ON NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BLACK: Harvests mid-season; large smooth oval nut, with good shell seal, and high quality kernel. Kernel color excellent. Has potentially high fruitfulness with 80-90% of lateral buds fruitful. Medium size tree is a moderately vigorous and semi-upright, highly productive tree. Pollinizers are Cisco and Scharsch Franquette.
Rootstock: Northern California Black. Deep rooting anchorage. Well drained sensitive to calcarious and saline soils.
To be added
DWARF CITRUS – Limit Two Trees per Customer
To be added
Download and print out a PDF of this 2016 Tree List